The Black Dragon Expansion Set is now available to purchase at The Game Crafter. This expansion adds 13 New Black Dragon cards to expand on the Elemental type Darkness of the Black Dragons. Also included are 1 Special Edition Dragon Wraith card.

A Fantasy Card Game of Battling Dragons
The Patreon Page is open now with 4 levels of support to get everything from a random Special Edition Card every month to a limited print annual card on your anniversary. And silly holiday cards too. Check it out!
If you support 52 Dragons through Patreon, you will have access to a random Special Edition Card every month. I will also track which cards have been sent to you to make sure you do not receive duplicates. These Special Edition Cards add a new depth to the game, including new types of cards, Dragon elemental types, and play mechanics.
Click the button below to check out our Patreon Patron Levels!
The Basic and Deluxe Editions are now live on Amazon.
The Dragonlord Expansion now available exclusively on The Game Crafter.
Now that the orders for the Kickstarter backers have been shipped, the Basic and Deluxe Editions are both now available for purchase at The Game Crafter. Click the links below for details.
I’ll have links to Amazon and Board Game Geek as soon as I can. I’m also in the process of getting the Dragonlord Expansion Set ready for listing. Check back soon for more!
I know that in the larger scheme of the current health crisis, this is a minor issue. Still, it’s very unfortunate that I have to announce that The Game Crafter, which is the company I’m using to print and distribute 52 Dragons, will be shutting down for 3 weeks due to the outbreak.
This will, of course, continue to delay shipment of the game and I apologize for this bad news. My bigger concern, however, is everyone’s safety. Looking at what’s going on in New York and a few of the larger cities in the US, as well as Italy, Spain, and several other countries, we know that slowing the spread of the COVID-19 should be everyone’s highest concern. I wish The Game Crafter and their employees the best and hope that their business will not suffer as many others have during the crisis.
Again, I’m so sorry to report this, as I know a lot of you have spent money on 52 Dragons and have been patiently awaiting shipment. Stay healthy, stay indoors, and let’s hope this is all over soon.
Link to The Game Crafter’s Statement on closure:
Printable Player Mats for card placement are now available on the downloads page. Print one for each color, or a more economical black and white generic one. Great for learning card placement and keeping your cards clean.
I sent in the bulk order request to The Game Crafter for shipping the Basic and Deluxe Sets to the Kickstarter backers.
This is pretty exciting.
As soon as the Kickstarter orders have been fulfilled, I’ll be going public with the game on Amazon, The Game Crafter, and anywhere else I can list it.
I’ll keep everybody up to date here, as well as all the social media sites.
Thanks for your support and I can’t wait to make this game happen!
There’s another item on the Downloads Page, 52 Dragons Wallpaper. Make it your background and help spread the word 🙂
As we enter the final phases of production, I wanted to let you know that I have the instruction manual available to read online on the Downloads Page.
It will, of course, be packaged with the game itself, but here it is if you’d like to read it early 🙂
I’d like to announce that we’ve opened up the Patreon page for people who would like to support the game AND get exclusive cards available only to Patreon users.
There are four tiers of support. All tiers are able to download the printable version of the game, and for as little as $5.00, you can receive a Patreon-exclusive card every month.
Click on the Patreon Link for details and thanks all for the support.