Kickstarter update: 48%

We had nice big day today, picking up 3 new backer and bringing the total up to $1459. The funding goal is beginning to look more realistic every day.

Thanks again to everyone who has backed the project or shared our campaign.

Take care, and let’s cross our fingers that we hit 50% tonight!

Update 7/12/19

Hey everybody, I just wanted to post a quick update….  I have the (hopefully) final version of the manual and basic set ordered from the distributor. After that arrives, I just need a tiny bit more playtesting and proofreading.

The game is nearly 100% ready. I have a few more business things to finish setting up, and then I’ll be uploading some promotional videos and then I should be ready to start the pre-release orders.

Update 4/21/19

Happy Easter! The pre-launch stuff is going along really well. I’ve got a new revised manual for some beta-testers to look over and have a few more playtesting sessions scheduled.

My author persona will be staffing the Nebraska Writers Guild table at ConStellation 10 in Lincoln this weekend, and I’ll also be on a few panels. But perhaps even more importantly, I’ll have a deck with me and will be hyping up 52 Dragons to whoever will listen 🙂

So if you happen to find yourself in Lincoln on the 26th, be sure to stop by the NWG table and say hi!
